Appointment Info


For continuity of care please request your preferred GP when making an appointment. The Practice works on a 15 minute appointment schedule. However some initial appointments may be booked for 30 minutes in order to take a full medical history.

Patients attending for their initial appointment are asked to arrive 5 minutes early to allow time to complete the new patient information sheet and for reception staff to enter your details into the database.

If you need a long appointment or a specific service such as a pre-employment or insurance medical, please advise the reception staff when you are booking your appointment.


We are located at 336 Crown Street Wollongong.

Parking is available next door if using Hospital Hill pharmacy or Wollongong Diagnostics. Alternatively paid parking (Flat rate $4/day) is available on the crn. of Crown St and Gladstone Ave (approx. 50mts).


Doctors try to run on time and not keep patients waiting. However sometimes delays are unavoidable. We request your patience at these times. 


Please notify the reception staff as soon as possible, If you can't attend an appointment.  There is a minimum $20 fee for patients who book an appointment with the Doctor or Nurse but fail to cancel at least 4 hours prior.  We want to give the best service possible and are unable to accommodate appointments if patients fail to cancel their booking. The fee will need to be paid prior to seeing the doctor on the next consultation.



We are registered with the Telephone Interpreter Service for patients requiring an interpreter. Please advise reception staff when you book your appointment that an interpreter is required.




336 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
Phone: 02 4288 1010  Fax: 02 4288 1011
Email: Business related


Emergency 000
Poisons Information 13 11 26
Radio Doctor 02 4228 5522
Emergency Wollongong Hospital 02 4222 5000
After Hours GP Helpline 1800 022 222