Patient Info


Results are confidential and cannot be given over the phone. You must book an appointment in order for us to give out the results of your test/s. This is to ensure the accurate results are given to the right patient by a professional medical staff.

Please allow at least 2 days for pathology and radiology results to be processed and checked by your Doctor. Please note it is the patient’s responsibility to make an appointment to discuss any test results with a Doctor.

If patients wish to speak to their Doctor and the Doctor is unavailable, our experienced reception staff will be happy to take your details in a message and pass this on, as soon as possible. Either the reception staff or Doctor will return the call according to the urgency of the request.


For all after hours care whilst the practice is closed, contact Radio Doctors Illawarra on Phone: 02 4228 5522

For emergencies contact the Emergency Department at Wollongong Hospital on Phone: 02 4222 5000 or phone “000”

For health advice after hours you may also call the Health Direct line on Phone: 1800 022 222 and speak to a Registered Nurse. This is a free service.


City Medical Wollongong is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. In accordance with the Privacy Act (1988) information about persons aged 16 years and over cannot be divulged to a third party without that person's permission. Accordingly, all patient consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential and are only available to authorised members of staff. If you wish a third party to access your test results on your behalf, please advise the doctor or nurse so it can be noted on your file. 

TELEHEALTH CONSULTATIONS: Any information or data collected during the Telehealth Consultation will be managed by the Practices' internal Privacy Policy.  Patients should NOT record Telehealth Consultations or distribute information or data to any third parties that were not participating in the Telehealth Consultation as this in direct breech of the City Medical Wollongong's Privacy Policy.


City Medical Wollongong uses a recall and reminder system. Occasionally you may receive a reminder notice offering you preventive health services or to remind if immunisations or tests are due. If you do not wish to receive the reminders please inform reception staff. We are also registered with the National Pap Register and reminders are automatically mailed out.


Doctors in this practice are competent at handling common health problems. When necessary, you may be referred to a specialist for further investigations and opinions. You can discuss this openly with your doctor.


All requests for prescriptions and referrals will require you to make an appointment with your Doctor.


We encourage your feedback at this practice, either verbally or in writing. If you think we can do something better or are pleased with the service you have been provided than please let us know.

However, if there is a problem which you wish to clarify you can contact the:

Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Bag 18
NSW 2012

Phone: 1800 043 159 

patient info 


336 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
Phone: 02 4288 1010  Fax: 02 4288 1011
Email: Business related


Emergency 000
Poisons Information 13 11 26
Radio Doctor 02 4228 5522
Emergency Wollongong Hospital 02 4222 5000
After Hours GP Helpline 1800 022 222